Dysport treatments softens lines and wrinkles by relaxing overactive muscles to create a more youthful, less tired, and softer expression. FDA approved since 2009, Dysport is safe, with very minimal side effects and essentially no recovery time.


Dysport in Mooresville, NC is an injectable treatment that addresses crow’s feet, frown lines, forehead furrows, angry 11’s (between the eyes), neck creases, and even excessive sweating. This neurotoxin is designed to minimize lines and wrinkles while allowing you to keep your natural expressions. Dysport’s results are very effective, with patients loving the outcome.

maintaining a natural look

While Dysport is made from a botulinum toxin, it doesn’t make the face immobile. It has the ability to smooth out wrinkles without resulting in a “statue” look. If you want to tackle your lines and wrinkles but you want to keep your natural face, Dysport is an ideal option for you.

am i a candidate for dysport?

Dysport in Mooresville works best for men and women who are healthy and who have moderate to severe facial lines and wrinkles. Candidates should not be pregnant, and should be between the ages of 18 and 65.

  • Avoid certain substances

    You should avoid alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and high-sodium and high-sugar foods for 24–48 hours before and after your appointment.
    These substances can increase the risk of bruising and swelling. 

    Take supplements
    If you are prone to bruising, you can take arnica or bromelain supplements 2–4 days before your appointment.

    Avoid certain medications
    You should avoid aspirin, Motrin, Gingko Biloba, garlic, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A, and vitamin E for 3 days to 1 week after your appointment.
    These substances can increase bleeding and bruising.

  • • If you have a history of cold sores, a prescription can be provided for you to minimize the likelihood of an occurrence post-treatment.

    • Sinnech tablets can be consumed as directed post treatment to decrease the likelihood of bruising or swelling. However, there is no guarantee that bruising and/or swelling will not occur.

    • Keep injection sites clean. AVOID touching the injections sites within six hours following the treatment. Ice can be used to help reduce swelling for a brief period.

    • Smoking pre or post treatment could increase chances of complications.

    • AVOID strenuous exercise, consumption of alcoholic beverages, extended exposure to sun or heat.

    • AVOID taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, St. John’s Wort, and high doses of Vitamin E supplements for up 3 days after treatment. These agents may increase bruising and bleeding at the injection site.

    • Botox or Dysport injections are not to be massaged.

    • Allow a full 14 days for Botox/ Dysport to fully kick in.